public final class


extends <any>

implements LayoutElementProto.FontSettingOrBuilder





 A single point of customization in a font.
Protobuf type androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.FontSetting


public LayoutElementProto.FontSetting.BuilderclearFeature()

 A single point of customization in a font feature, with specified tag.

public LayoutElementProto.FontSetting.BuilderclearInner()

public LayoutElementProto.FontSetting.BuilderclearVariation()

 A single point of customization in a font variation, with axis tag and a
 value for it.

public LayoutElementProto.FontFeatureSettinggetFeature()

 A single point of customization in a font feature, with specified tag.

public LayoutElementProto.FontSetting.InnerCasegetInnerCase()

public LayoutElementProto.FontVariationSettinggetVariation()

 A single point of customization in a font variation, with axis tag and a
 value for it.

public booleanhasFeature()

 A single point of customization in a font feature, with specified tag.

public booleanhasVariation()

 A single point of customization in a font variation, with axis tag and a
 value for it.

public LayoutElementProto.FontSetting.BuildermergeFeature(LayoutElementProto.FontFeatureSetting value)

 A single point of customization in a font feature, with specified tag.

public LayoutElementProto.FontSetting.BuildermergeVariation(LayoutElementProto.FontVariationSetting value)

 A single point of customization in a font variation, with axis tag and a
 value for it.

public LayoutElementProto.FontSetting.BuildersetFeature(LayoutElementProto.FontFeatureSetting.Builder builderForValue)

 A single point of customization in a font feature, with specified tag.

public LayoutElementProto.FontSetting.BuildersetFeature(LayoutElementProto.FontFeatureSetting value)

 A single point of customization in a font feature, with specified tag.

public LayoutElementProto.FontSetting.BuildersetVariation(LayoutElementProto.FontVariationSetting.Builder builderForValue)

 A single point of customization in a font variation, with axis tag and a
 value for it.

public LayoutElementProto.FontSetting.BuildersetVariation(LayoutElementProto.FontVariationSetting value)

 A single point of customization in a font variation, with axis tag and a
 value for it.

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public boolean hasVariation()

 A single point of customization in a font variation, with axis tag and a
 value for it.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.FontVariationSetting variation = 1;

 A single point of customization in a font variation, with axis tag and a
 value for it.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.FontVariationSetting variation = 1;

 A single point of customization in a font variation, with axis tag and a
 value for it.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.FontVariationSetting variation = 1;

 A single point of customization in a font variation, with axis tag and a
 value for it.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.FontVariationSetting variation = 1;

 A single point of customization in a font variation, with axis tag and a
 value for it.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.FontVariationSetting variation = 1;

 A single point of customization in a font variation, with axis tag and a
 value for it.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.FontVariationSetting variation = 1;

public boolean hasFeature()

 A single point of customization in a font feature, with specified tag.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.FontFeatureSetting feature = 2;

 A single point of customization in a font feature, with specified tag.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.FontFeatureSetting feature = 2;

 A single point of customization in a font feature, with specified tag.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.FontFeatureSetting feature = 2;

 A single point of customization in a font feature, with specified tag.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.FontFeatureSetting feature = 2;

 A single point of customization in a font feature, with specified tag.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.FontFeatureSetting feature = 2;

 A single point of customization in a font feature, with specified tag.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.FontFeatureSetting feature = 2;