public final class


extends <any>

implements DimensionProto.ExpandedAngularDimensionPropOrBuilder





 A type for an angular dimension that fills all the space it can
 (i.e. MATCH_PARENT in Android parlance)
Protobuf type androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.ExpandedAngularDimensionProp


public DimensionProto.ExpandedAngularDimensionProp.BuilderclearLayoutWeight()

 The layout weight (a dimensionless scalar value) for this element.

public TypesProto.FloatPropgetLayoutWeight()

 The layout weight (a dimensionless scalar value) for this element.

public booleanhasLayoutWeight()

 The layout weight (a dimensionless scalar value) for this element.

public DimensionProto.ExpandedAngularDimensionProp.BuildermergeLayoutWeight(TypesProto.FloatProp value)

 The layout weight (a dimensionless scalar value) for this element.

public DimensionProto.ExpandedAngularDimensionProp.BuildersetLayoutWeight(TypesProto.FloatProp.Builder builderForValue)

 The layout weight (a dimensionless scalar value) for this element.

public DimensionProto.ExpandedAngularDimensionProp.BuildersetLayoutWeight(TypesProto.FloatProp value)

 The layout weight (a dimensionless scalar value) for this element.

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public boolean hasLayoutWeight()

 The layout weight (a dimensionless scalar value) for this element. The
 angular dimension for this element will be layout_weight times the
 available space divided by the sum of the layout_weights. If not set this
 defaults to 1.

 <p>Note that negative values are not supported and it can lead to
 unexpected behaviour.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.FloatProp layout_weight = 1;

public TypesProto.FloatProp getLayoutWeight()

 The layout weight (a dimensionless scalar value) for this element. The
 angular dimension for this element will be layout_weight times the
 available space divided by the sum of the layout_weights. If not set this
 defaults to 1.

 <p>Note that negative values are not supported and it can lead to
 unexpected behaviour.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.FloatProp layout_weight = 1;

 The layout weight (a dimensionless scalar value) for this element. The
 angular dimension for this element will be layout_weight times the
 available space divided by the sum of the layout_weights. If not set this
 defaults to 1.

 <p>Note that negative values are not supported and it can lead to
 unexpected behaviour.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.FloatProp layout_weight = 1;

 The layout weight (a dimensionless scalar value) for this element. The
 angular dimension for this element will be layout_weight times the
 available space divided by the sum of the layout_weights. If not set this
 defaults to 1.

 <p>Note that negative values are not supported and it can lead to
 unexpected behaviour.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.FloatProp layout_weight = 1;

 The layout weight (a dimensionless scalar value) for this element. The
 angular dimension for this element will be layout_weight times the
 available space divided by the sum of the layout_weights. If not set this
 defaults to 1.

 <p>Note that negative values are not supported and it can lead to
 unexpected behaviour.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.FloatProp layout_weight = 1;

 The layout weight (a dimensionless scalar value) for this element. The
 angular dimension for this element will be layout_weight times the
 available space divided by the sum of the layout_weights. If not set this
 defaults to 1.

 <p>Note that negative values are not supported and it can lead to
 unexpected behaviour.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.FloatProp layout_weight = 1;