public final class


extends <any>

implements DeviceParametersProto.DeviceParametersOrBuilder





 Parameters describing the device requesting a layout update. This contains
 physical and logical characteristics about the device (e.g. screen size and
 density, etc).
Protobuf type androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.DeviceParameters


public DeviceParametersProto.DeviceParameters.BuilderclearCapabilities()

 Renderer supported Capabilities

public DeviceParametersProto.DeviceParameters.BuilderclearDevicePlatform()

 The platform of the device.

public DeviceParametersProto.DeviceParameters.BuilderclearFontScale()

 Current user preference for the scaling factor for fonts displayed on the

public DeviceParametersProto.DeviceParameters.BuilderclearRendererSchemaVersion()

 The maximum schema version supported by the current renderer.

public DeviceParametersProto.DeviceParameters.BuilderclearScreenDensity()

 Density of the display.

public DeviceParametersProto.DeviceParameters.BuilderclearScreenHeightDp()

 Height of the device's screen in DP.

public DeviceParametersProto.DeviceParameters.BuilderclearScreenShape()

 The shape of the device's screen

public DeviceParametersProto.DeviceParameters.BuilderclearScreenWidthDp()

 Width of the device's screen in DP.

public DeviceParametersProto.CapabilitiesgetCapabilities()

 Renderer supported Capabilities

public DeviceParametersProto.DevicePlatformgetDevicePlatform()

 The platform of the device.

public intgetDevicePlatformValue()

 The platform of the device.

public floatgetFontScale()

 Current user preference for the scaling factor for fonts displayed on the

public VersionProto.VersionInfogetRendererSchemaVersion()

 The maximum schema version supported by the current renderer.

public floatgetScreenDensity()

 Density of the display.

public intgetScreenHeightDp()

 Height of the device's screen in DP.

public DeviceParametersProto.ScreenShapegetScreenShape()

 The shape of the device's screen

public intgetScreenShapeValue()

 The shape of the device's screen

public intgetScreenWidthDp()

 Width of the device's screen in DP.

public booleanhasCapabilities()

 Renderer supported Capabilities

public booleanhasRendererSchemaVersion()

 The maximum schema version supported by the current renderer.

public DeviceParametersProto.DeviceParameters.BuildermergeCapabilities(DeviceParametersProto.Capabilities value)

 Renderer supported Capabilities

public DeviceParametersProto.DeviceParameters.BuildermergeRendererSchemaVersion(VersionProto.VersionInfo value)

 The maximum schema version supported by the current renderer.

public DeviceParametersProto.DeviceParameters.BuildersetCapabilities(DeviceParametersProto.Capabilities.Builder builderForValue)

 Renderer supported Capabilities

public DeviceParametersProto.DeviceParameters.BuildersetCapabilities(DeviceParametersProto.Capabilities value)

 Renderer supported Capabilities

public DeviceParametersProto.DeviceParameters.BuildersetDevicePlatform(DeviceParametersProto.DevicePlatform value)

 The platform of the device.

public DeviceParametersProto.DeviceParameters.BuildersetDevicePlatformValue(int value)

 The platform of the device.

public DeviceParametersProto.DeviceParameters.BuildersetFontScale(float value)

 Current user preference for the scaling factor for fonts displayed on the

public DeviceParametersProto.DeviceParameters.BuildersetRendererSchemaVersion(VersionProto.VersionInfo.Builder builderForValue)

 The maximum schema version supported by the current renderer.

public DeviceParametersProto.DeviceParameters.BuildersetRendererSchemaVersion(VersionProto.VersionInfo value)

 The maximum schema version supported by the current renderer.

public DeviceParametersProto.DeviceParameters.BuildersetScreenDensity(float value)

 Density of the display.

public DeviceParametersProto.DeviceParameters.BuildersetScreenHeightDp(int value)

 Height of the device's screen in DP.

public DeviceParametersProto.DeviceParameters.BuildersetScreenShape(DeviceParametersProto.ScreenShape value)

 The shape of the device's screen

public DeviceParametersProto.DeviceParameters.BuildersetScreenShapeValue(int value)

 The shape of the device's screen

public DeviceParametersProto.DeviceParameters.BuildersetScreenWidthDp(int value)

 Width of the device's screen in DP.

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public int getScreenWidthDp()

 Width of the device's screen in DP.
uint32 screen_width_dp = 1;


The screenWidthDp.

public DeviceParametersProto.DeviceParameters.Builder setScreenWidthDp(int value)

 Width of the device's screen in DP.
uint32 screen_width_dp = 1;


value: The screenWidthDp to set.


This builder for chaining.

 Width of the device's screen in DP.
uint32 screen_width_dp = 1;


This builder for chaining.

public int getScreenHeightDp()

 Height of the device's screen in DP.
uint32 screen_height_dp = 2;


The screenHeightDp.

public DeviceParametersProto.DeviceParameters.Builder setScreenHeightDp(int value)

 Height of the device's screen in DP.
uint32 screen_height_dp = 2;


value: The screenHeightDp to set.


This builder for chaining.

 Height of the device's screen in DP.
uint32 screen_height_dp = 2;


This builder for chaining.

public float getScreenDensity()

 Density of the display. This value is the scaling factor to get from DP to
 Pixels (px = dp * density).
float screen_density = 3;


The screenDensity.

public DeviceParametersProto.DeviceParameters.Builder setScreenDensity(float value)

 Density of the display. This value is the scaling factor to get from DP to
 Pixels (px = dp * density).
float screen_density = 3;


value: The screenDensity to set.


This builder for chaining.

 Density of the display. This value is the scaling factor to get from DP to
 Pixels (px = dp * density).
float screen_density = 3;


This builder for chaining.

public float getFontScale()

 Current user preference for the scaling factor for fonts displayed on the
 display. This value is used to get from SP to DP (dp = sp * font_scale).
float font_scale = 7;


The fontScale.

public DeviceParametersProto.DeviceParameters.Builder setFontScale(float value)

 Current user preference for the scaling factor for fonts displayed on the
 display. This value is used to get from SP to DP (dp = sp * font_scale).
float font_scale = 7;


value: The fontScale to set.


This builder for chaining.

 Current user preference for the scaling factor for fonts displayed on the
 display. This value is used to get from SP to DP (dp = sp * font_scale).
float font_scale = 7;


This builder for chaining.

public int getDevicePlatformValue()

 The platform of the device.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.DevicePlatform device_platform = 4;


The enum numeric value on the wire for devicePlatform.

public DeviceParametersProto.DeviceParameters.Builder setDevicePlatformValue(int value)

 The platform of the device.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.DevicePlatform device_platform = 4;


value: The devicePlatform to set.


This builder for chaining.

public DeviceParametersProto.DevicePlatform getDevicePlatform()

 The platform of the device.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.DevicePlatform device_platform = 4;


The devicePlatform.

 The platform of the device.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.DevicePlatform device_platform = 4;


value: The enum numeric value on the wire for devicePlatform to set.


This builder for chaining.

 The platform of the device.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.DevicePlatform device_platform = 4;


This builder for chaining.

public int getScreenShapeValue()

 The shape of the device's screen
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.ScreenShape screen_shape = 5;


The enum numeric value on the wire for screenShape.

public DeviceParametersProto.DeviceParameters.Builder setScreenShapeValue(int value)

 The shape of the device's screen
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.ScreenShape screen_shape = 5;


value: The screenShape to set.


This builder for chaining.

public DeviceParametersProto.ScreenShape getScreenShape()

 The shape of the device's screen
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.ScreenShape screen_shape = 5;


The screenShape.

 The shape of the device's screen
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.ScreenShape screen_shape = 5;


value: The enum numeric value on the wire for screenShape to set.


This builder for chaining.

 The shape of the device's screen
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.ScreenShape screen_shape = 5;


This builder for chaining.

public boolean hasRendererSchemaVersion()

 The maximum schema version supported by the current renderer. When building
 a layout that uses features not available on schema version 1.0 , this can
 be used to conditionally choose which feature to use.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.expression.proto.VersionInfo renderer_schema_version = 6;

public VersionProto.VersionInfo getRendererSchemaVersion()

 The maximum schema version supported by the current renderer. When building
 a layout that uses features not available on schema version 1.0 , this can
 be used to conditionally choose which feature to use.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.expression.proto.VersionInfo renderer_schema_version = 6;

 The maximum schema version supported by the current renderer. When building
 a layout that uses features not available on schema version 1.0 , this can
 be used to conditionally choose which feature to use.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.expression.proto.VersionInfo renderer_schema_version = 6;

 The maximum schema version supported by the current renderer. When building
 a layout that uses features not available on schema version 1.0 , this can
 be used to conditionally choose which feature to use.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.expression.proto.VersionInfo renderer_schema_version = 6;

 The maximum schema version supported by the current renderer. When building
 a layout that uses features not available on schema version 1.0 , this can
 be used to conditionally choose which feature to use.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.expression.proto.VersionInfo renderer_schema_version = 6;

public DeviceParametersProto.DeviceParameters.Builder clearRendererSchemaVersion()

 The maximum schema version supported by the current renderer. When building
 a layout that uses features not available on schema version 1.0 , this can
 be used to conditionally choose which feature to use.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.expression.proto.VersionInfo renderer_schema_version = 6;

public boolean hasCapabilities()

 Renderer supported Capabilities
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.Capabilities capabilities = 8;

public DeviceParametersProto.Capabilities getCapabilities()

 Renderer supported Capabilities
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.Capabilities capabilities = 8;

 Renderer supported Capabilities
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.Capabilities capabilities = 8;

 Renderer supported Capabilities
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.Capabilities capabilities = 8;

 Renderer supported Capabilities
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.Capabilities capabilities = 8;

 Renderer supported Capabilities
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.Capabilities capabilities = 8;