public final class


extends <any>

implements LayoutElementProto.AndroidTextStyleOrBuilder





 An Android platform specific text style configuration options for styling and
 Note that from 1.3 version this field is ignored and defaults to excluded
 font padding.
Protobuf type androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.AndroidTextStyle


public LayoutElementProto.AndroidTextStyle.BuilderclearExcludeFontPadding()

 Whether the Text excludes padding specified by the font, i.e.

public booleangetExcludeFontPadding()

 Whether the Text excludes padding specified by the font, i.e.

public LayoutElementProto.AndroidTextStyle.BuildersetExcludeFontPadding(boolean value)

 Whether the Text excludes padding specified by the font, i.e.

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public boolean getExcludeFontPadding()

 Whether the Text excludes padding specified by the font, i.e. extra top and
 bottom padding above the normal ascent and descent. The default is false.
bool exclude_font_padding = 1;


The excludeFontPadding.

public LayoutElementProto.AndroidTextStyle.Builder setExcludeFontPadding(boolean value)

 Whether the Text excludes padding specified by the font, i.e. extra top and
 bottom padding above the normal ascent and descent. The default is false.
bool exclude_font_padding = 1;


value: The excludeFontPadding to set.


This builder for chaining.

public LayoutElementProto.AndroidTextStyle.Builder clearExcludeFontPadding()

 Whether the Text excludes padding specified by the font, i.e. extra top and
 bottom padding above the normal ascent and descent. The default is false.
bool exclude_font_padding = 1;


This builder for chaining.