public final class


extends <any>

implements ModifiersProto.TransformationOrBuilder





 A modifier to apply transformations to the element. All of these
 transformations can be animated by setting dynamic values.
 This modifier is not layout affecting.
Protobuf type androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.Transformation


public ModifiersProto.Transformation.BuilderclearPivotX()

 The horizontal location of the point around which the element is rotated
 and scaled.

public ModifiersProto.Transformation.BuilderclearPivotY()

 The vertical location of the point around which the element is rotated and

public ModifiersProto.Transformation.BuilderclearRotation()

 The clockwise degrees that the element is rotated around the pivot point.

public ModifiersProto.Transformation.BuilderclearScaleX()

 The scale of this element in the x direction around the pivot point, as a
 proportion of the element's unscaled width .

public ModifiersProto.Transformation.BuilderclearScaleY()

 The scale of this element in the y direction around the pivot point, as a
 proportion of the element's unscaled height.

public ModifiersProto.Transformation.BuilderclearTranslationX()

 The horizontal offset of this element relative to the location where the
 element's layout placed it.

public ModifiersProto.Transformation.BuilderclearTranslationY()

 The vertical offset of this element in addition to the location where the
 element's layout placed it.

public DimensionProto.PivotDimensiongetPivotX()

 The horizontal location of the point around which the element is rotated
 and scaled.

public DimensionProto.PivotDimensiongetPivotY()

 The vertical location of the point around which the element is rotated and

public DimensionProto.DegreesPropgetRotation()

 The clockwise degrees that the element is rotated around the pivot point.

public TypesProto.FloatPropgetScaleX()

 The scale of this element in the x direction around the pivot point, as a
 proportion of the element's unscaled width .

public TypesProto.FloatPropgetScaleY()

 The scale of this element in the y direction around the pivot point, as a
 proportion of the element's unscaled height.

public DimensionProto.DpPropgetTranslationX()

 The horizontal offset of this element relative to the location where the
 element's layout placed it.

public DimensionProto.DpPropgetTranslationY()

 The vertical offset of this element in addition to the location where the
 element's layout placed it.

public booleanhasPivotX()

 The horizontal location of the point around which the element is rotated
 and scaled.

public booleanhasPivotY()

 The vertical location of the point around which the element is rotated and

public booleanhasRotation()

 The clockwise degrees that the element is rotated around the pivot point.

public booleanhasScaleX()

 The scale of this element in the x direction around the pivot point, as a
 proportion of the element's unscaled width .

public booleanhasScaleY()

 The scale of this element in the y direction around the pivot point, as a
 proportion of the element's unscaled height.

public booleanhasTranslationX()

 The horizontal offset of this element relative to the location where the
 element's layout placed it.

public booleanhasTranslationY()

 The vertical offset of this element in addition to the location where the
 element's layout placed it.

public ModifiersProto.Transformation.BuildermergePivotX(DimensionProto.PivotDimension value)

 The horizontal location of the point around which the element is rotated
 and scaled.

public ModifiersProto.Transformation.BuildermergePivotY(DimensionProto.PivotDimension value)

 The vertical location of the point around which the element is rotated and

public ModifiersProto.Transformation.BuildermergeRotation(DimensionProto.DegreesProp value)

 The clockwise degrees that the element is rotated around the pivot point.

public ModifiersProto.Transformation.BuildermergeScaleX(TypesProto.FloatProp value)

 The scale of this element in the x direction around the pivot point, as a
 proportion of the element's unscaled width .

public ModifiersProto.Transformation.BuildermergeScaleY(TypesProto.FloatProp value)

 The scale of this element in the y direction around the pivot point, as a
 proportion of the element's unscaled height.

public ModifiersProto.Transformation.BuildermergeTranslationX(DimensionProto.DpProp value)

 The horizontal offset of this element relative to the location where the
 element's layout placed it.

public ModifiersProto.Transformation.BuildermergeTranslationY(DimensionProto.DpProp value)

 The vertical offset of this element in addition to the location where the
 element's layout placed it.

public ModifiersProto.Transformation.BuildersetPivotX(DimensionProto.PivotDimension.Builder builderForValue)

 The horizontal location of the point around which the element is rotated
 and scaled.

public ModifiersProto.Transformation.BuildersetPivotX(DimensionProto.PivotDimension value)

 The horizontal location of the point around which the element is rotated
 and scaled.

public ModifiersProto.Transformation.BuildersetPivotY(DimensionProto.PivotDimension.Builder builderForValue)

 The vertical location of the point around which the element is rotated and

public ModifiersProto.Transformation.BuildersetPivotY(DimensionProto.PivotDimension value)

 The vertical location of the point around which the element is rotated and

public ModifiersProto.Transformation.BuildersetRotation(DimensionProto.DegreesProp.Builder builderForValue)

 The clockwise degrees that the element is rotated around the pivot point.

public ModifiersProto.Transformation.BuildersetRotation(DimensionProto.DegreesProp value)

 The clockwise degrees that the element is rotated around the pivot point.

public ModifiersProto.Transformation.BuildersetScaleX(TypesProto.FloatProp.Builder builderForValue)

 The scale of this element in the x direction around the pivot point, as a
 proportion of the element's unscaled width .

public ModifiersProto.Transformation.BuildersetScaleX(TypesProto.FloatProp value)

 The scale of this element in the x direction around the pivot point, as a
 proportion of the element's unscaled width .

public ModifiersProto.Transformation.BuildersetScaleY(TypesProto.FloatProp.Builder builderForValue)

 The scale of this element in the y direction around the pivot point, as a
 proportion of the element's unscaled height.

public ModifiersProto.Transformation.BuildersetScaleY(TypesProto.FloatProp value)

 The scale of this element in the y direction around the pivot point, as a
 proportion of the element's unscaled height.

public ModifiersProto.Transformation.BuildersetTranslationX(DimensionProto.DpProp.Builder builderForValue)

 The horizontal offset of this element relative to the location where the
 element's layout placed it.

public ModifiersProto.Transformation.BuildersetTranslationX(DimensionProto.DpProp value)

 The horizontal offset of this element relative to the location where the
 element's layout placed it.

public ModifiersProto.Transformation.BuildersetTranslationY(DimensionProto.DpProp.Builder builderForValue)

 The vertical offset of this element in addition to the location where the
 element's layout placed it.

public ModifiersProto.Transformation.BuildersetTranslationY(DimensionProto.DpProp value)

 The vertical offset of this element in addition to the location where the
 element's layout placed it.

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public boolean hasTranslationX()

 The horizontal offset of this element relative to the location where the
 element's layout placed it.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.DpProp translation_x = 1;

public DimensionProto.DpProp getTranslationX()

 The horizontal offset of this element relative to the location where the
 element's layout placed it.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.DpProp translation_x = 1;

 The horizontal offset of this element relative to the location where the
 element's layout placed it.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.DpProp translation_x = 1;

 The horizontal offset of this element relative to the location where the
 element's layout placed it.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.DpProp translation_x = 1;

 The horizontal offset of this element relative to the location where the
 element's layout placed it.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.DpProp translation_x = 1;

public ModifiersProto.Transformation.Builder clearTranslationX()

 The horizontal offset of this element relative to the location where the
 element's layout placed it.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.DpProp translation_x = 1;

public boolean hasTranslationY()

 The vertical offset of this element in addition to the location where the
 element's layout placed it.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.DpProp translation_y = 2;

public DimensionProto.DpProp getTranslationY()

 The vertical offset of this element in addition to the location where the
 element's layout placed it.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.DpProp translation_y = 2;

 The vertical offset of this element in addition to the location where the
 element's layout placed it.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.DpProp translation_y = 2;

 The vertical offset of this element in addition to the location where the
 element's layout placed it.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.DpProp translation_y = 2;

 The vertical offset of this element in addition to the location where the
 element's layout placed it.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.DpProp translation_y = 2;

public ModifiersProto.Transformation.Builder clearTranslationY()

 The vertical offset of this element in addition to the location where the
 element's layout placed it.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.DpProp translation_y = 2;

public boolean hasScaleX()

 The scale of this element in the x direction around the pivot point, as a
 proportion of the element's unscaled width .
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.FloatProp scale_x = 3;

public TypesProto.FloatProp getScaleX()

 The scale of this element in the x direction around the pivot point, as a
 proportion of the element's unscaled width .
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.FloatProp scale_x = 3;

 The scale of this element in the x direction around the pivot point, as a
 proportion of the element's unscaled width .
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.FloatProp scale_x = 3;

 The scale of this element in the x direction around the pivot point, as a
 proportion of the element's unscaled width .
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.FloatProp scale_x = 3;

 The scale of this element in the x direction around the pivot point, as a
 proportion of the element's unscaled width .
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.FloatProp scale_x = 3;

 The scale of this element in the x direction around the pivot point, as a
 proportion of the element's unscaled width .
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.FloatProp scale_x = 3;

public boolean hasScaleY()

 The scale of this element in the y direction around the pivot point, as a
 proportion of the element's unscaled height.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.FloatProp scale_y = 4;

public TypesProto.FloatProp getScaleY()

 The scale of this element in the y direction around the pivot point, as a
 proportion of the element's unscaled height.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.FloatProp scale_y = 4;

 The scale of this element in the y direction around the pivot point, as a
 proportion of the element's unscaled height.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.FloatProp scale_y = 4;

 The scale of this element in the y direction around the pivot point, as a
 proportion of the element's unscaled height.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.FloatProp scale_y = 4;

 The scale of this element in the y direction around the pivot point, as a
 proportion of the element's unscaled height.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.FloatProp scale_y = 4;

 The scale of this element in the y direction around the pivot point, as a
 proportion of the element's unscaled height.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.FloatProp scale_y = 4;

public boolean hasRotation()

 The clockwise degrees that the element is rotated around the pivot point.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.DegreesProp rotation = 5;

public DimensionProto.DegreesProp getRotation()

 The clockwise degrees that the element is rotated around the pivot point.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.DegreesProp rotation = 5;

 The clockwise degrees that the element is rotated around the pivot point.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.DegreesProp rotation = 5;

 The clockwise degrees that the element is rotated around the pivot point.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.DegreesProp rotation = 5;

 The clockwise degrees that the element is rotated around the pivot point.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.DegreesProp rotation = 5;

 The clockwise degrees that the element is rotated around the pivot point.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.DegreesProp rotation = 5;

public boolean hasPivotX()

 The horizontal location of the point around which the element is rotated
 and scaled. With type DpProp, it is the offset from the element center;
 otherwise with type BoundingBoxRatio, it is the location proportional to
 the bounding box width.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.PivotDimension pivot_x = 6;

 The horizontal location of the point around which the element is rotated
 and scaled. With type DpProp, it is the offset from the element center;
 otherwise with type BoundingBoxRatio, it is the location proportional to
 the bounding box width.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.PivotDimension pivot_x = 6;

 The horizontal location of the point around which the element is rotated
 and scaled. With type DpProp, it is the offset from the element center;
 otherwise with type BoundingBoxRatio, it is the location proportional to
 the bounding box width.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.PivotDimension pivot_x = 6;

 The horizontal location of the point around which the element is rotated
 and scaled. With type DpProp, it is the offset from the element center;
 otherwise with type BoundingBoxRatio, it is the location proportional to
 the bounding box width.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.PivotDimension pivot_x = 6;

 The horizontal location of the point around which the element is rotated
 and scaled. With type DpProp, it is the offset from the element center;
 otherwise with type BoundingBoxRatio, it is the location proportional to
 the bounding box width.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.PivotDimension pivot_x = 6;

 The horizontal location of the point around which the element is rotated
 and scaled. With type DpProp, it is the offset from the element center;
 otherwise with type BoundingBoxRatio, it is the location proportional to
 the bounding box width.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.PivotDimension pivot_x = 6;

public boolean hasPivotY()

 The vertical location of the point around which the element is rotated and
 scaled. With type DpProp, it is the offset from the element center;
 otherwise with type BoundingBoxRatio, it is the location proportional to
 the bounding box height.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.PivotDimension pivot_y = 7;

 The vertical location of the point around which the element is rotated and
 scaled. With type DpProp, it is the offset from the element center;
 otherwise with type BoundingBoxRatio, it is the location proportional to
 the bounding box height.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.PivotDimension pivot_y = 7;

 The vertical location of the point around which the element is rotated and
 scaled. With type DpProp, it is the offset from the element center;
 otherwise with type BoundingBoxRatio, it is the location proportional to
 the bounding box height.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.PivotDimension pivot_y = 7;

 The vertical location of the point around which the element is rotated and
 scaled. With type DpProp, it is the offset from the element center;
 otherwise with type BoundingBoxRatio, it is the location proportional to
 the bounding box height.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.PivotDimension pivot_y = 7;

 The vertical location of the point around which the element is rotated and
 scaled. With type DpProp, it is the offset from the element center;
 otherwise with type BoundingBoxRatio, it is the location proportional to
 the bounding box height.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.PivotDimension pivot_y = 7;

 The vertical location of the point around which the element is rotated and
 scaled. With type DpProp, it is the offset from the element center;
 otherwise with type BoundingBoxRatio, it is the location proportional to
 the bounding box height.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.PivotDimension pivot_y = 7;