public final class


extends <any>

implements ColorProto.ColorStopOrBuilder





 A color and an offset, determining a color position in a gradient.
Protobuf type androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.ColorStop


public ColorProto.ColorStop.BuilderclearColor()

 The color for this stop.

public ColorProto.ColorStop.BuilderclearOffset()

 The relative offset for this color, between 0 and 1.

public ColorProto.ColorStop.BuilderclearOptionalOffset()

public ColorProto.ColorPropgetColor()

 The color for this stop.

public TypesProto.FloatPropgetOffset()

 The relative offset for this color, between 0 and 1.

public ColorProto.ColorStop.OptionalOffsetCasegetOptionalOffsetCase()

public booleanhasColor()

 The color for this stop.

public booleanhasOffset()

 The relative offset for this color, between 0 and 1.

public ColorProto.ColorStop.BuildermergeColor(ColorProto.ColorProp value)

 The color for this stop.

public ColorProto.ColorStop.BuildermergeOffset(TypesProto.FloatProp value)

 The relative offset for this color, between 0 and 1.

public ColorProto.ColorStop.BuildersetColor(ColorProto.ColorProp.Builder builderForValue)

 The color for this stop.

public ColorProto.ColorStop.BuildersetColor(ColorProto.ColorProp value)

 The color for this stop.

public ColorProto.ColorStop.BuildersetOffset(TypesProto.FloatProp.Builder builderForValue)

 The relative offset for this color, between 0 and 1.

public ColorProto.ColorStop.BuildersetOffset(TypesProto.FloatProp value)

 The relative offset for this color, between 0 and 1.

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public ColorProto.ColorStop.OptionalOffsetCase getOptionalOffsetCase()

public ColorProto.ColorStop.Builder clearOptionalOffset()

public boolean hasColor()

 The color for this stop. Only opaque colors are supported. Any transparent
 colors will have their alpha component set to 0xFF (opaque).
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.ColorProp color = 1;

public ColorProto.ColorProp getColor()

 The color for this stop. Only opaque colors are supported. Any transparent
 colors will have their alpha component set to 0xFF (opaque).
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.ColorProp color = 1;

 The color for this stop. Only opaque colors are supported. Any transparent
 colors will have their alpha component set to 0xFF (opaque).
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.ColorProp color = 1;

 The color for this stop. Only opaque colors are supported. Any transparent
 colors will have their alpha component set to 0xFF (opaque).
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.ColorProp color = 1;

 The color for this stop. Only opaque colors are supported. Any transparent
 colors will have their alpha component set to 0xFF (opaque).
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.ColorProp color = 1;

public ColorProto.ColorStop.Builder clearColor()

 The color for this stop. Only opaque colors are supported. Any transparent
 colors will have their alpha component set to 0xFF (opaque).
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.ColorProp color = 1;

public boolean hasOffset()

 The relative offset for this color, between 0 and 1. This determines
 where the color is positioned relative to a gradient space.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.FloatProp offset = 2;

public TypesProto.FloatProp getOffset()

 The relative offset for this color, between 0 and 1. This determines
 where the color is positioned relative to a gradient space.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.FloatProp offset = 2;

 The relative offset for this color, between 0 and 1. This determines
 where the color is positioned relative to a gradient space.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.FloatProp offset = 2;

 The relative offset for this color, between 0 and 1. This determines
 where the color is positioned relative to a gradient space.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.FloatProp offset = 2;

 The relative offset for this color, between 0 and 1. This determines
 where the color is positioned relative to a gradient space.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.FloatProp offset = 2;

public ColorProto.ColorStop.Builder clearOffset()

 The relative offset for this color, between 0 and 1. This determines
 where the color is positioned relative to a gradient space.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.FloatProp offset = 2;