public final class


extends <any>

implements ResourceProto.ResourcesOrBuilder





 The resources for a layout.
Protobuf type androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.Resources


public static final intID_TO_IMAGE_FIELD_NUMBER

public static final intVERSION_FIELD_NUMBER

public booleancontainsIdToImage(java.lang.String key)

 A map of resource_ids to images, which can be used by layouts.

protected final java.lang.ObjectdynamicMethod( method, java.lang.Object arg0, java.lang.Object arg1)

public static ResourceProto.ResourcesgetDefaultInstance()

public java.util.Map<java.lang.String, ResourceProto.ImageResource>getIdToImage()

Use ResourceProto.Resources.getIdToImageMap() instead.

public intgetIdToImageCount()

public java.util.Map<java.lang.String, ResourceProto.ImageResource>getIdToImageMap()

 A map of resource_ids to images, which can be used by layouts.

public ResourceProto.ImageResourcegetIdToImageOrDefault(java.lang.String key, ResourceProto.ImageResource defaultValue)

 A map of resource_ids to images, which can be used by layouts.

public ResourceProto.ImageResourcegetIdToImageOrThrow(java.lang.String key)

 A map of resource_ids to images, which can be used by layouts.

public java.lang.StringgetVersion()

 The version of this Resources instance.


 The version of this Resources instance.

public static ResourceProto.Resources.BuildernewBuilder()

public static ResourceProto.Resources.BuildernewBuilder(ResourceProto.Resources prototype)

public static ResourceProto.ResourcesparseDelimitedFrom( input)

public static ResourceProto.ResourcesparseDelimitedFrom( input, extensionRegistry)

public static ResourceProto.ResourcesparseFrom(byte[] data[], extensionRegistry)

public static ResourceProto.ResourcesparseFrom(java.nio.ByteBuffer data)

public static ResourceProto.ResourcesparseFrom(java.nio.ByteBuffer data, extensionRegistry)

public static ResourceProto.ResourcesparseFrom( data)

public static ResourceProto.ResourcesparseFrom( data, extensionRegistry)

public static ResourceProto.ResourcesparseFrom( input)

public static ResourceProto.ResourcesparseFrom( input, extensionRegistry)

public static ResourceProto.ResourcesparseFrom( input, extensionRegistry)

public static <any>parser()

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public static final int VERSION_FIELD_NUMBER

public static final int ID_TO_IMAGE_FIELD_NUMBER


public java.lang.String getVersion()

 The version of this Resources instance.

 Each layout specifies the version of resources it requires. After fetching
 a layout, the renderer will use the resources version specified by the
 layout to separately fetch the resources.

 This value must match the version of the resources required by the layout
 for the layout to render successfully, and must match the resource version
 specified in ResourcesRequest which triggered this request.
string version = 1;


The version.

public getVersionBytes()

 The version of this Resources instance.

 Each layout specifies the version of resources it requires. After fetching
 a layout, the renderer will use the resources version specified by the
 layout to separately fetch the resources.

 This value must match the version of the resources required by the layout
 for the layout to render successfully, and must match the resource version
 specified in ResourcesRequest which triggered this request.
string version = 1;


The bytes for version.

public int getIdToImageCount()

public boolean containsIdToImage(java.lang.String key)

 A map of resource_ids to images, which can be used by layouts.
map<string, .androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.ImageResource> id_to_image = 2;

public java.util.Map<java.lang.String, ResourceProto.ImageResource> getIdToImage()

Use ResourceProto.Resources.getIdToImageMap() instead.

public java.util.Map<java.lang.String, ResourceProto.ImageResource> getIdToImageMap()

 A map of resource_ids to images, which can be used by layouts.
map<string, .androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.ImageResource> id_to_image = 2;

public ResourceProto.ImageResource getIdToImageOrDefault(java.lang.String key, ResourceProto.ImageResource defaultValue)

 A map of resource_ids to images, which can be used by layouts.
map<string, .androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.ImageResource> id_to_image = 2;

public ResourceProto.ImageResource getIdToImageOrThrow(java.lang.String key)

 A map of resource_ids to images, which can be used by layouts.
map<string, .androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.ImageResource> id_to_image = 2;

public static ResourceProto.Resources parseFrom(java.nio.ByteBuffer data)

public static ResourceProto.Resources parseFrom(java.nio.ByteBuffer data, extensionRegistry)

public static ResourceProto.Resources parseFrom( data)

public static ResourceProto.Resources parseFrom( data, extensionRegistry)

public static ResourceProto.Resources parseFrom(byte[] data[], extensionRegistry)

public static ResourceProto.Resources parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry)

public static ResourceProto.Resources parseDelimitedFrom( input)

public static ResourceProto.Resources parseDelimitedFrom( input, extensionRegistry)

public static ResourceProto.Resources parseFrom( input)

public static ResourceProto.Resources parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry)

public static ResourceProto.Resources.Builder newBuilder()

public static ResourceProto.Resources.Builder newBuilder(ResourceProto.Resources prototype)

protected final java.lang.Object dynamicMethod( method, java.lang.Object arg0, java.lang.Object arg1)

public static ResourceProto.Resources getDefaultInstance()

public static <any> parser()