public final class


extends <any>

implements ColorProto.SweepGradientOrBuilder





 A sweep gradient with the given colors dispersed around its center with
 offsets defined in each color stop. The sweep begins at the parent's base
 angle plus the given angular shift and continues clockwise until it reaches
 the starting position again.

 The gradient center corresponds to center of the parent element.
Protobuf type androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.SweepGradient


public static final intCOLOR_STOPS_FIELD_NUMBER

public static final intEND_ANGLE_FIELD_NUMBER

public static final intSTART_ANGLE_FIELD_NUMBER

protected final java.lang.ObjectdynamicMethod( method, java.lang.Object arg0, java.lang.Object arg1)

public ColorProto.ColorStopgetColorStops(int index)

 The color stops defining how the colors are distributed around the gradient

public intgetColorStopsCount()

 The color stops defining how the colors are distributed around the gradient

public java.util.List<ColorProto.ColorStop>getColorStopsList()

 The color stops defining how the colors are distributed around the gradient

public ColorProto.ColorStopOrBuildergetColorStopsOrBuilder(int index)

 The color stops defining how the colors are distributed around the gradient

public java.util.List<ColorProto.ColorStopOrBuilder>getColorStopsOrBuilderList()

 The color stops defining how the colors are distributed around the gradient

public static ColorProto.SweepGradientgetDefaultInstance()

public DimensionProto.DegreesPropgetEndAngle()

 The end angle of the gradient, relative to the element's base angle.

public DimensionProto.DegreesPropgetStartAngle()

 The start angle of the gradient relative to the element's base angle.

public booleanhasEndAngle()

 The end angle of the gradient, relative to the element's base angle.

public booleanhasStartAngle()

 The start angle of the gradient relative to the element's base angle.

public static ColorProto.SweepGradient.BuildernewBuilder()

public static ColorProto.SweepGradient.BuildernewBuilder(ColorProto.SweepGradient prototype)

public static ColorProto.SweepGradientparseDelimitedFrom( input)

public static ColorProto.SweepGradientparseDelimitedFrom( input, extensionRegistry)

public static ColorProto.SweepGradientparseFrom(byte[] data[], extensionRegistry)

public static ColorProto.SweepGradientparseFrom(java.nio.ByteBuffer data)

public static ColorProto.SweepGradientparseFrom(java.nio.ByteBuffer data, extensionRegistry)

public static ColorProto.SweepGradientparseFrom( data)

public static ColorProto.SweepGradientparseFrom( data, extensionRegistry)

public static ColorProto.SweepGradientparseFrom( input)

public static ColorProto.SweepGradientparseFrom( input, extensionRegistry)

public static ColorProto.SweepGradientparseFrom( input, extensionRegistry)

public static <any>parser()

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public static final int COLOR_STOPS_FIELD_NUMBER

public static final int START_ANGLE_FIELD_NUMBER

public static final int END_ANGLE_FIELD_NUMBER


public java.util.List<ColorProto.ColorStop> getColorStopsList()

 The color stops defining how the colors are distributed around the gradient
 center. The color sequence starts at the start angle and spans 360
 degrees clockwise, finishing at the same angle.

 A color stop is a pair of a color and its offset in the gradient.
 The offset is the relative position of the color, beginning with 0 from the
 start angle and ending with 1.0 at the end angle, spanning clockwise.

 There must be at least 2 colors and at most 10 colors.

 If offset values are not set, the colors are evenly distributed in the
repeated .androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.ColorStop color_stops = 1;

public java.util.List<ColorProto.ColorStopOrBuilder> getColorStopsOrBuilderList()

 The color stops defining how the colors are distributed around the gradient
 center. The color sequence starts at the start angle and spans 360
 degrees clockwise, finishing at the same angle.

 A color stop is a pair of a color and its offset in the gradient.
 The offset is the relative position of the color, beginning with 0 from the
 start angle and ending with 1.0 at the end angle, spanning clockwise.

 There must be at least 2 colors and at most 10 colors.

 If offset values are not set, the colors are evenly distributed in the
repeated .androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.ColorStop color_stops = 1;

public int getColorStopsCount()

 The color stops defining how the colors are distributed around the gradient
 center. The color sequence starts at the start angle and spans 360
 degrees clockwise, finishing at the same angle.

 A color stop is a pair of a color and its offset in the gradient.
 The offset is the relative position of the color, beginning with 0 from the
 start angle and ending with 1.0 at the end angle, spanning clockwise.

 There must be at least 2 colors and at most 10 colors.

 If offset values are not set, the colors are evenly distributed in the
repeated .androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.ColorStop color_stops = 1;

public ColorProto.ColorStop getColorStops(int index)

 The color stops defining how the colors are distributed around the gradient
 center. The color sequence starts at the start angle and spans 360
 degrees clockwise, finishing at the same angle.

 A color stop is a pair of a color and its offset in the gradient.
 The offset is the relative position of the color, beginning with 0 from the
 start angle and ending with 1.0 at the end angle, spanning clockwise.

 There must be at least 2 colors and at most 10 colors.

 If offset values are not set, the colors are evenly distributed in the
repeated .androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.ColorStop color_stops = 1;

public ColorProto.ColorStopOrBuilder getColorStopsOrBuilder(int index)

 The color stops defining how the colors are distributed around the gradient
 center. The color sequence starts at the start angle and spans 360
 degrees clockwise, finishing at the same angle.

 A color stop is a pair of a color and its offset in the gradient.
 The offset is the relative position of the color, beginning with 0 from the
 start angle and ending with 1.0 at the end angle, spanning clockwise.

 There must be at least 2 colors and at most 10 colors.

 If offset values are not set, the colors are evenly distributed in the
repeated .androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.ColorStop color_stops = 1;

public boolean hasStartAngle()

 The start angle of the gradient relative to the element's base angle. If
 not set, defaults to zero.

 For ArcLine, the base angle is the angle where the line starts. The value
 represents a relative position in the line's length span. Values greater
 than 360 degrees correspond to upper layers of the arc line as it wraps
 over itself.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.DegreesProp start_angle = 2;

public DimensionProto.DegreesProp getStartAngle()

 The start angle of the gradient relative to the element's base angle. If
 not set, defaults to zero.

 For ArcLine, the base angle is the angle where the line starts. The value
 represents a relative position in the line's length span. Values greater
 than 360 degrees correspond to upper layers of the arc line as it wraps
 over itself.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.DegreesProp start_angle = 2;

public boolean hasEndAngle()

 The end angle of the gradient, relative to the element's base angle. If not
 set, defaults to 360 degrees.

 For ArcLine, the base angle is the angle where the line starts. The value
 represents a relative position in the line's length span. Values greater
 than 360 degrees correspond to upper layers of the arc line as it wraps
 over itself.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.DegreesProp end_angle = 3;

public DimensionProto.DegreesProp getEndAngle()

 The end angle of the gradient, relative to the element's base angle. If not
 set, defaults to 360 degrees.

 For ArcLine, the base angle is the angle where the line starts. The value
 represents a relative position in the line's length span. Values greater
 than 360 degrees correspond to upper layers of the arc line as it wraps
 over itself.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.DegreesProp end_angle = 3;

public static ColorProto.SweepGradient parseFrom(java.nio.ByteBuffer data)

public static ColorProto.SweepGradient parseFrom(java.nio.ByteBuffer data, extensionRegistry)

public static ColorProto.SweepGradient parseFrom( data)

public static ColorProto.SweepGradient parseFrom( data, extensionRegistry)

public static ColorProto.SweepGradient parseFrom(byte[] data[], extensionRegistry)

public static ColorProto.SweepGradient parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry)

public static ColorProto.SweepGradient parseDelimitedFrom( input)

public static ColorProto.SweepGradient parseDelimitedFrom( input, extensionRegistry)

public static ColorProto.SweepGradient parseFrom( input)

public static ColorProto.SweepGradient parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry)

public static ColorProto.SweepGradient.Builder newBuilder()

protected final java.lang.Object dynamicMethod( method, java.lang.Object arg0, java.lang.Object arg1)

public static ColorProto.SweepGradient getDefaultInstance()

public static <any> parser()