public final class


extends <any>

implements ModifiersProto.ClickableOrBuilder





 A modifier for an element which can have associated Actions for click events.
 When an element with a ClickableModifier is clicked it will fire the
 associated action.
Protobuf type androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.Clickable


public ModifiersProto.Clickable.BuilderclearId()

 The ID associated with this action.

public ModifiersProto.Clickable.BuilderclearMinimumClickableHeight()

 The minimum height of the clickable area.

public ModifiersProto.Clickable.BuilderclearMinimumClickableWidth()

 The minimum width of the clickable area.

public ModifiersProto.Clickable.BuilderclearOnClick()

 The action to perform when the element this modifier is attached to is

public ModifiersProto.Clickable.BuilderclearOptionalVisualFeedbackEnabled()

public ModifiersProto.Clickable.BuilderclearVisualFeedbackEnabled()

 Whether the click visual feedback (such as a ripple) should be enabled.

public java.lang.StringgetId()

 The ID associated with this action.


 The ID associated with this action.

public DimensionProto.DpPropgetMinimumClickableHeight()

 The minimum height of the clickable area.

public DimensionProto.DpPropgetMinimumClickableWidth()

 The minimum width of the clickable area.

public ActionProto.ActiongetOnClick()

 The action to perform when the element this modifier is attached to is

public ModifiersProto.Clickable.OptionalVisualFeedbackEnabledCasegetOptionalVisualFeedbackEnabledCase()

public booleangetVisualFeedbackEnabled()

 Whether the click visual feedback (such as a ripple) should be enabled.

public booleanhasMinimumClickableHeight()

 The minimum height of the clickable area.

public booleanhasMinimumClickableWidth()

 The minimum width of the clickable area.

public booleanhasOnClick()

 The action to perform when the element this modifier is attached to is

public booleanhasVisualFeedbackEnabled()

 Whether the click visual feedback (such as a ripple) should be enabled.

public ModifiersProto.Clickable.BuildermergeMinimumClickableHeight(DimensionProto.DpProp value)

 The minimum height of the clickable area.

public ModifiersProto.Clickable.BuildermergeMinimumClickableWidth(DimensionProto.DpProp value)

 The minimum width of the clickable area.

public ModifiersProto.Clickable.BuildermergeOnClick(ActionProto.Action value)

 The action to perform when the element this modifier is attached to is

public ModifiersProto.Clickable.BuildersetId(java.lang.String value)

 The ID associated with this action.

public ModifiersProto.Clickable.BuildersetIdBytes( value)

 The ID associated with this action.

public ModifiersProto.Clickable.BuildersetMinimumClickableHeight(DimensionProto.DpProp.Builder builderForValue)

 The minimum height of the clickable area.

public ModifiersProto.Clickable.BuildersetMinimumClickableHeight(DimensionProto.DpProp value)

 The minimum height of the clickable area.

public ModifiersProto.Clickable.BuildersetMinimumClickableWidth(DimensionProto.DpProp.Builder builderForValue)

 The minimum width of the clickable area.

public ModifiersProto.Clickable.BuildersetMinimumClickableWidth(DimensionProto.DpProp value)

 The minimum width of the clickable area.

public ModifiersProto.Clickable.BuildersetOnClick(ActionProto.Action.Builder builderForValue)

 The action to perform when the element this modifier is attached to is

public ModifiersProto.Clickable.BuildersetOnClick(ActionProto.Action value)

 The action to perform when the element this modifier is attached to is

public ModifiersProto.Clickable.BuildersetVisualFeedbackEnabled(boolean value)

 Whether the click visual feedback (such as a ripple) should be enabled.

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public ModifiersProto.Clickable.OptionalVisualFeedbackEnabledCase getOptionalVisualFeedbackEnabledCase()

public ModifiersProto.Clickable.Builder clearOptionalVisualFeedbackEnabled()

public java.lang.String getId()

 The ID associated with this action.
string id = 1;


The id.

public getIdBytes()

 The ID associated with this action.
string id = 1;


The bytes for id.

public ModifiersProto.Clickable.Builder setId(java.lang.String value)

 The ID associated with this action.
string id = 1;


value: The id to set.


This builder for chaining.

 The ID associated with this action.
string id = 1;


This builder for chaining.

public ModifiersProto.Clickable.Builder setIdBytes( value)

 The ID associated with this action.
string id = 1;


value: The bytes for id to set.


This builder for chaining.

public boolean hasOnClick()

 The action to perform when the element this modifier is attached to is
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.Action on_click = 2;

public ActionProto.Action getOnClick()

 The action to perform when the element this modifier is attached to is
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.Action on_click = 2;

 The action to perform when the element this modifier is attached to is
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.Action on_click = 2;

 The action to perform when the element this modifier is attached to is
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.Action on_click = 2;

 The action to perform when the element this modifier is attached to is
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.Action on_click = 2;

public ModifiersProto.Clickable.Builder clearOnClick()

 The action to perform when the element this modifier is attached to is
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.Action on_click = 2;

public boolean hasMinimumClickableWidth()

 The minimum width of the clickable area.

 The default value is 48dp, following the Material design accessibility
 guideline. Note that this value does not affect the layout, so the minimum
 clickable width is not guaranteed unless there is enough space around the
 element within its parent bounds.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.DpProp minimum_clickable_width = 3;

public DimensionProto.DpProp getMinimumClickableWidth()

 The minimum width of the clickable area.

 The default value is 48dp, following the Material design accessibility
 guideline. Note that this value does not affect the layout, so the minimum
 clickable width is not guaranteed unless there is enough space around the
 element within its parent bounds.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.DpProp minimum_clickable_width = 3;

public ModifiersProto.Clickable.Builder setMinimumClickableWidth(DimensionProto.DpProp value)

 The minimum width of the clickable area.

 The default value is 48dp, following the Material design accessibility
 guideline. Note that this value does not affect the layout, so the minimum
 clickable width is not guaranteed unless there is enough space around the
 element within its parent bounds.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.DpProp minimum_clickable_width = 3;

public ModifiersProto.Clickable.Builder setMinimumClickableWidth(DimensionProto.DpProp.Builder builderForValue)

 The minimum width of the clickable area.

 The default value is 48dp, following the Material design accessibility
 guideline. Note that this value does not affect the layout, so the minimum
 clickable width is not guaranteed unless there is enough space around the
 element within its parent bounds.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.DpProp minimum_clickable_width = 3;

public ModifiersProto.Clickable.Builder mergeMinimumClickableWidth(DimensionProto.DpProp value)

 The minimum width of the clickable area.

 The default value is 48dp, following the Material design accessibility
 guideline. Note that this value does not affect the layout, so the minimum
 clickable width is not guaranteed unless there is enough space around the
 element within its parent bounds.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.DpProp minimum_clickable_width = 3;

public ModifiersProto.Clickable.Builder clearMinimumClickableWidth()

 The minimum width of the clickable area.

 The default value is 48dp, following the Material design accessibility
 guideline. Note that this value does not affect the layout, so the minimum
 clickable width is not guaranteed unless there is enough space around the
 element within its parent bounds.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.DpProp minimum_clickable_width = 3;

public boolean hasMinimumClickableHeight()

 The minimum height of the clickable area.

 The default value is 48dp, following the Material design accessibility
 guideline. Note that this value does not affect the layout, so the minimum
 clickable height is not guaranteed unless there is enough space around the
 element within its parent bounds.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.DpProp minimum_clickable_height = 4;

public DimensionProto.DpProp getMinimumClickableHeight()

 The minimum height of the clickable area.

 The default value is 48dp, following the Material design accessibility
 guideline. Note that this value does not affect the layout, so the minimum
 clickable height is not guaranteed unless there is enough space around the
 element within its parent bounds.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.DpProp minimum_clickable_height = 4;

public ModifiersProto.Clickable.Builder setMinimumClickableHeight(DimensionProto.DpProp value)

 The minimum height of the clickable area.

 The default value is 48dp, following the Material design accessibility
 guideline. Note that this value does not affect the layout, so the minimum
 clickable height is not guaranteed unless there is enough space around the
 element within its parent bounds.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.DpProp minimum_clickable_height = 4;

public ModifiersProto.Clickable.Builder setMinimumClickableHeight(DimensionProto.DpProp.Builder builderForValue)

 The minimum height of the clickable area.

 The default value is 48dp, following the Material design accessibility
 guideline. Note that this value does not affect the layout, so the minimum
 clickable height is not guaranteed unless there is enough space around the
 element within its parent bounds.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.DpProp minimum_clickable_height = 4;

public ModifiersProto.Clickable.Builder mergeMinimumClickableHeight(DimensionProto.DpProp value)

 The minimum height of the clickable area.

 The default value is 48dp, following the Material design accessibility
 guideline. Note that this value does not affect the layout, so the minimum
 clickable height is not guaranteed unless there is enough space around the
 element within its parent bounds.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.DpProp minimum_clickable_height = 4;

public ModifiersProto.Clickable.Builder clearMinimumClickableHeight()

 The minimum height of the clickable area.

 The default value is 48dp, following the Material design accessibility
 guideline. Note that this value does not affect the layout, so the minimum
 clickable height is not guaranteed unless there is enough space around the
 element within its parent bounds.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.DpProp minimum_clickable_height = 4;

public boolean hasVisualFeedbackEnabled()

 Whether the click visual feedback (such as a ripple) should be enabled.
 Defaults to true.
bool visual_feedback_enabled = 5;


Whether the visualFeedbackEnabled field is set.

public boolean getVisualFeedbackEnabled()

 Whether the click visual feedback (such as a ripple) should be enabled.
 Defaults to true.
bool visual_feedback_enabled = 5;


The visualFeedbackEnabled.

public ModifiersProto.Clickable.Builder setVisualFeedbackEnabled(boolean value)

 Whether the click visual feedback (such as a ripple) should be enabled.
 Defaults to true.
bool visual_feedback_enabled = 5;


value: The visualFeedbackEnabled to set.


This builder for chaining.

public ModifiersProto.Clickable.Builder clearVisualFeedbackEnabled()

 Whether the click visual feedback (such as a ripple) should be enabled.
 Defaults to true.
bool visual_feedback_enabled = 5;


This builder for chaining.