public final class


extends <any>

implements ModifiersProto.SlideOutTransitionOrBuilder





 The sliding out animation for content transition of an element and its
Protobuf type androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.SlideOutTransition


public ModifiersProto.SlideOutTransition.BuilderclearAnimationSpec()

 The animation parameters for duration, delay, etc.

public ModifiersProto.SlideOutTransition.BuilderclearDirection()

 The slide direction used for slide animations on any element, from its
 destination in the layout to the specified point.

public ModifiersProto.SlideOutTransition.BuilderclearTargetSlideBound()

 The target offset for animation.

public AnimationParameterProto.AnimationSpecgetAnimationSpec()

 The animation parameters for duration, delay, etc.

public ModifiersProto.SlideDirectiongetDirection()

 The slide direction used for slide animations on any element, from its
 destination in the layout to the specified point.

public intgetDirectionValue()

 The slide direction used for slide animations on any element, from its
 destination in the layout to the specified point.

public ModifiersProto.SlideBoundgetTargetSlideBound()

 The target offset for animation.

public booleanhasAnimationSpec()

 The animation parameters for duration, delay, etc.

public booleanhasTargetSlideBound()

 The target offset for animation.

public ModifiersProto.SlideOutTransition.BuildermergeAnimationSpec(AnimationParameterProto.AnimationSpec value)

 The animation parameters for duration, delay, etc.

public ModifiersProto.SlideOutTransition.BuildermergeTargetSlideBound(ModifiersProto.SlideBound value)

 The target offset for animation.

public ModifiersProto.SlideOutTransition.BuildersetAnimationSpec(AnimationParameterProto.AnimationSpec.Builder builderForValue)

 The animation parameters for duration, delay, etc.

public ModifiersProto.SlideOutTransition.BuildersetAnimationSpec(AnimationParameterProto.AnimationSpec value)

 The animation parameters for duration, delay, etc.

public ModifiersProto.SlideOutTransition.BuildersetDirection(ModifiersProto.SlideDirection value)

 The slide direction used for slide animations on any element, from its
 destination in the layout to the specified point.

public ModifiersProto.SlideOutTransition.BuildersetDirectionValue(int value)

 The slide direction used for slide animations on any element, from its
 destination in the layout to the specified point.

public ModifiersProto.SlideOutTransition.BuildersetTargetSlideBound(ModifiersProto.SlideBound.Builder builderForValue)

 The target offset for animation.

public ModifiersProto.SlideOutTransition.BuildersetTargetSlideBound(ModifiersProto.SlideBound value)

 The target offset for animation.

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public int getDirectionValue()

 The slide direction used for slide animations on any element, from its
 destination in the layout to the specified point. If not set, defaults to
 horizontal from right to the left.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.SlideDirection direction = 1;


The enum numeric value on the wire for direction.

public ModifiersProto.SlideOutTransition.Builder setDirectionValue(int value)

 The slide direction used for slide animations on any element, from its
 destination in the layout to the specified point. If not set, defaults to
 horizontal from right to the left.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.SlideDirection direction = 1;


value: The direction to set.


This builder for chaining.

public ModifiersProto.SlideDirection getDirection()

 The slide direction used for slide animations on any element, from its
 destination in the layout to the specified point. If not set, defaults to
 horizontal from right to the left.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.SlideDirection direction = 1;


The direction.

 The slide direction used for slide animations on any element, from its
 destination in the layout to the specified point. If not set, defaults to
 horizontal from right to the left.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.SlideDirection direction = 1;


value: The enum numeric value on the wire for direction to set.


This builder for chaining.

 The slide direction used for slide animations on any element, from its
 destination in the layout to the specified point. If not set, defaults to
 horizontal from right to the left.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.SlideDirection direction = 1;


This builder for chaining.

public boolean hasTargetSlideBound()

 The target offset for animation. By default the transition will end at the
 left parent boundary for horizontal orientation and at the top for
 vertical orientation. Note that sliding from the screen boundaries can only
 be achieved if all parent's sizes are big enough to accommodate it.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.SlideBound target_slide_bound = 2;

public ModifiersProto.SlideBound getTargetSlideBound()

 The target offset for animation. By default the transition will end at the
 left parent boundary for horizontal orientation and at the top for
 vertical orientation. Note that sliding from the screen boundaries can only
 be achieved if all parent's sizes are big enough to accommodate it.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.SlideBound target_slide_bound = 2;

 The target offset for animation. By default the transition will end at the
 left parent boundary for horizontal orientation and at the top for
 vertical orientation. Note that sliding from the screen boundaries can only
 be achieved if all parent's sizes are big enough to accommodate it.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.SlideBound target_slide_bound = 2;

 The target offset for animation. By default the transition will end at the
 left parent boundary for horizontal orientation and at the top for
 vertical orientation. Note that sliding from the screen boundaries can only
 be achieved if all parent's sizes are big enough to accommodate it.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.SlideBound target_slide_bound = 2;

 The target offset for animation. By default the transition will end at the
 left parent boundary for horizontal orientation and at the top for
 vertical orientation. Note that sliding from the screen boundaries can only
 be achieved if all parent's sizes are big enough to accommodate it.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.SlideBound target_slide_bound = 2;

public ModifiersProto.SlideOutTransition.Builder clearTargetSlideBound()

 The target offset for animation. By default the transition will end at the
 left parent boundary for horizontal orientation and at the top for
 vertical orientation. Note that sliding from the screen boundaries can only
 be achieved if all parent's sizes are big enough to accommodate it.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.SlideBound target_slide_bound = 2;

public boolean hasAnimationSpec()

 The animation parameters for duration, delay, etc.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.expression.proto.AnimationSpec animation_spec = 3;

public AnimationParameterProto.AnimationSpec getAnimationSpec()

 The animation parameters for duration, delay, etc.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.expression.proto.AnimationSpec animation_spec = 3;

 The animation parameters for duration, delay, etc.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.expression.proto.AnimationSpec animation_spec = 3;

 The animation parameters for duration, delay, etc.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.expression.proto.AnimationSpec animation_spec = 3;

 The animation parameters for duration, delay, etc.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.expression.proto.AnimationSpec animation_spec = 3;

public ModifiersProto.SlideOutTransition.Builder clearAnimationSpec()

 The animation parameters for duration, delay, etc.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.expression.proto.AnimationSpec animation_spec = 3;