public final class


extends <any>

implements LayoutElementProto.SpannableOrBuilder





 A container of Span elements. Currently, this supports SpanImage and SpanText
 elements, where each individual Span can have different styling applied to it
 but the resulting text will flow naturally. This allows sections of a
 paragraph of text to have different styling applied to it, for example,
 making one or two words bold or italic.
Protobuf type androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.Spannable


public LayoutElementProto.Spannable.BuilderaddAllSpans(java.lang.Iterable<LayoutElementProto.Span> values)

 The Span elements that form this Spannable.

public LayoutElementProto.Spannable.BuilderaddSpans(int index, LayoutElementProto.Span.Builder builderForValue)

 The Span elements that form this Spannable.

public LayoutElementProto.Spannable.BuilderaddSpans(int index, LayoutElementProto.Span value)

 The Span elements that form this Spannable.

public LayoutElementProto.Spannable.BuilderaddSpans(LayoutElementProto.Span.Builder builderForValue)

 The Span elements that form this Spannable.

public LayoutElementProto.Spannable.BuilderaddSpans(LayoutElementProto.Span value)

 The Span elements that form this Spannable.

public LayoutElementProto.Spannable.BuilderclearLineHeight()

 The explicit height between lines of text.

public LayoutElementProto.Spannable.BuilderclearLineSpacing()

 Extra spacing to add between each line.

public LayoutElementProto.Spannable.BuilderclearMarqueeParameters()

 Parameters for Marquee animation.

public LayoutElementProto.Spannable.BuilderclearMaxLines()

 The maximum number of lines that can be represented by the Spannable

public LayoutElementProto.Spannable.BuilderclearModifiers()

 Modifiers for this element.

public LayoutElementProto.Spannable.BuilderclearMultilineAlignment()

 Alignment of the Spannable content within its bounds.

public LayoutElementProto.Spannable.BuilderclearOverflow()

 How to handle content which overflows the bound of the Spannable element.

public LayoutElementProto.Spannable.BuilderclearSpans()

 The Span elements that form this Spannable.

public DimensionProto.SpPropgetLineHeight()

 The explicit height between lines of text.

public DimensionProto.SpPropgetLineSpacing()

 Extra spacing to add between each line.

public LayoutElementProto.MarqueeParametersgetMarqueeParameters()

 Parameters for Marquee animation.

public TypesProto.Int32PropgetMaxLines()

 The maximum number of lines that can be represented by the Spannable

public ModifiersProto.ModifiersgetModifiers()

 Modifiers for this element.

public AlignmentProto.HorizontalAlignmentPropgetMultilineAlignment()

 Alignment of the Spannable content within its bounds.

public LayoutElementProto.TextOverflowPropgetOverflow()

 How to handle content which overflows the bound of the Spannable element.

public LayoutElementProto.SpangetSpans(int index)

 The Span elements that form this Spannable.

public intgetSpansCount()

 The Span elements that form this Spannable.

public java.util.List<LayoutElementProto.Span>getSpansList()

 The Span elements that form this Spannable.

public booleanhasLineHeight()

 The explicit height between lines of text.

public booleanhasLineSpacing()

 Extra spacing to add between each line.

public booleanhasMarqueeParameters()

 Parameters for Marquee animation.

public booleanhasMaxLines()

 The maximum number of lines that can be represented by the Spannable

public booleanhasModifiers()

 Modifiers for this element.

public booleanhasMultilineAlignment()

 Alignment of the Spannable content within its bounds.

public booleanhasOverflow()

 How to handle content which overflows the bound of the Spannable element.

public LayoutElementProto.Spannable.BuildermergeLineHeight(DimensionProto.SpProp value)

 The explicit height between lines of text.

public LayoutElementProto.Spannable.BuildermergeLineSpacing(DimensionProto.SpProp value)

 Extra spacing to add between each line.

public LayoutElementProto.Spannable.BuildermergeMarqueeParameters(LayoutElementProto.MarqueeParameters value)

 Parameters for Marquee animation.

public LayoutElementProto.Spannable.BuildermergeMaxLines(TypesProto.Int32Prop value)

 The maximum number of lines that can be represented by the Spannable

public LayoutElementProto.Spannable.BuildermergeModifiers(ModifiersProto.Modifiers value)

 Modifiers for this element.

public LayoutElementProto.Spannable.BuildermergeMultilineAlignment(AlignmentProto.HorizontalAlignmentProp value)

 Alignment of the Spannable content within its bounds.

public LayoutElementProto.Spannable.BuildermergeOverflow(LayoutElementProto.TextOverflowProp value)

 How to handle content which overflows the bound of the Spannable element.

public LayoutElementProto.Spannable.BuilderremoveSpans(int index)

 The Span elements that form this Spannable.

public LayoutElementProto.Spannable.BuildersetLineHeight(DimensionProto.SpProp.Builder builderForValue)

 The explicit height between lines of text.

public LayoutElementProto.Spannable.BuildersetLineHeight(DimensionProto.SpProp value)

 The explicit height between lines of text.

public LayoutElementProto.Spannable.BuildersetLineSpacing(DimensionProto.SpProp.Builder builderForValue)

 Extra spacing to add between each line.

public LayoutElementProto.Spannable.BuildersetLineSpacing(DimensionProto.SpProp value)

 Extra spacing to add between each line.

public LayoutElementProto.Spannable.BuildersetMarqueeParameters(LayoutElementProto.MarqueeParameters.Builder builderForValue)

 Parameters for Marquee animation.

public LayoutElementProto.Spannable.BuildersetMarqueeParameters(LayoutElementProto.MarqueeParameters value)

 Parameters for Marquee animation.

public LayoutElementProto.Spannable.BuildersetMaxLines(TypesProto.Int32Prop.Builder builderForValue)

 The maximum number of lines that can be represented by the Spannable

public LayoutElementProto.Spannable.BuildersetMaxLines(TypesProto.Int32Prop value)

 The maximum number of lines that can be represented by the Spannable

public LayoutElementProto.Spannable.BuildersetModifiers(ModifiersProto.Modifiers.Builder builderForValue)

 Modifiers for this element.

public LayoutElementProto.Spannable.BuildersetModifiers(ModifiersProto.Modifiers value)

 Modifiers for this element.

public LayoutElementProto.Spannable.BuildersetMultilineAlignment(AlignmentProto.HorizontalAlignmentProp.Builder builderForValue)

 Alignment of the Spannable content within its bounds.

public LayoutElementProto.Spannable.BuildersetMultilineAlignment(AlignmentProto.HorizontalAlignmentProp value)

 Alignment of the Spannable content within its bounds.

public LayoutElementProto.Spannable.BuildersetOverflow(LayoutElementProto.TextOverflowProp.Builder builderForValue)

 How to handle content which overflows the bound of the Spannable element.

public LayoutElementProto.Spannable.BuildersetOverflow(LayoutElementProto.TextOverflowProp value)

 How to handle content which overflows the bound of the Spannable element.

public LayoutElementProto.Spannable.BuildersetSpans(int index, LayoutElementProto.Span.Builder builderForValue)

 The Span elements that form this Spannable.

public LayoutElementProto.Spannable.BuildersetSpans(int index, LayoutElementProto.Span value)

 The Span elements that form this Spannable.

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public java.util.List<LayoutElementProto.Span> getSpansList()

 The Span elements that form this Spannable.
repeated .androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.Span spans = 1;

public int getSpansCount()

 The Span elements that form this Spannable.
repeated .androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.Span spans = 1;

public LayoutElementProto.Span getSpans(int index)

 The Span elements that form this Spannable.
repeated .androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.Span spans = 1;

 The Span elements that form this Spannable.
repeated .androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.Span spans = 1;

public LayoutElementProto.Spannable.Builder setSpans(int index, LayoutElementProto.Span.Builder builderForValue)

 The Span elements that form this Spannable.
repeated .androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.Span spans = 1;

 The Span elements that form this Spannable.
repeated .androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.Span spans = 1;

 The Span elements that form this Spannable.
repeated .androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.Span spans = 1;

 The Span elements that form this Spannable.
repeated .androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.Span spans = 1;

public LayoutElementProto.Spannable.Builder addSpans(int index, LayoutElementProto.Span.Builder builderForValue)

 The Span elements that form this Spannable.
repeated .androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.Span spans = 1;

public LayoutElementProto.Spannable.Builder addAllSpans(java.lang.Iterable<LayoutElementProto.Span> values)

 The Span elements that form this Spannable.
repeated .androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.Span spans = 1;

 The Span elements that form this Spannable.
repeated .androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.Span spans = 1;

public LayoutElementProto.Spannable.Builder removeSpans(int index)

 The Span elements that form this Spannable.
repeated .androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.Span spans = 1;

public boolean hasModifiers()

 Modifiers for this element.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.Modifiers modifiers = 2;

public ModifiersProto.Modifiers getModifiers()

 Modifiers for this element.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.Modifiers modifiers = 2;

 Modifiers for this element.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.Modifiers modifiers = 2;

 Modifiers for this element.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.Modifiers modifiers = 2;

 Modifiers for this element.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.Modifiers modifiers = 2;

public LayoutElementProto.Spannable.Builder clearModifiers()

 Modifiers for this element.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.Modifiers modifiers = 2;

public boolean hasMaxLines()

 The maximum number of lines that can be represented by the Spannable
 element. If not defined, the Spannable element will be treated as a
 single-line element.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.Int32Prop max_lines = 3;

public TypesProto.Int32Prop getMaxLines()

 The maximum number of lines that can be represented by the Spannable
 element. If not defined, the Spannable element will be treated as a
 single-line element.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.Int32Prop max_lines = 3;

 The maximum number of lines that can be represented by the Spannable
 element. If not defined, the Spannable element will be treated as a
 single-line element.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.Int32Prop max_lines = 3;

 The maximum number of lines that can be represented by the Spannable
 element. If not defined, the Spannable element will be treated as a
 single-line element.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.Int32Prop max_lines = 3;

 The maximum number of lines that can be represented by the Spannable
 element. If not defined, the Spannable element will be treated as a
 single-line element.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.Int32Prop max_lines = 3;

 The maximum number of lines that can be represented by the Spannable
 element. If not defined, the Spannable element will be treated as a
 single-line element.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.Int32Prop max_lines = 3;

public boolean hasMultilineAlignment()

 Alignment of the Spannable content within its bounds. Note that a Spannable
 element will size itself to wrap its contents, so this option is
 meaningless for single-line content (for that, use alignment of the outer
 container). For multi-line content, however, this will set the alignment of
 lines relative to the Spannable element bounds. If not defined, defaults to
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.HorizontalAlignmentProp multiline_alignment = 4;

public AlignmentProto.HorizontalAlignmentProp getMultilineAlignment()

 Alignment of the Spannable content within its bounds. Note that a Spannable
 element will size itself to wrap its contents, so this option is
 meaningless for single-line content (for that, use alignment of the outer
 container). For multi-line content, however, this will set the alignment of
 lines relative to the Spannable element bounds. If not defined, defaults to
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.HorizontalAlignmentProp multiline_alignment = 4;

 Alignment of the Spannable content within its bounds. Note that a Spannable
 element will size itself to wrap its contents, so this option is
 meaningless for single-line content (for that, use alignment of the outer
 container). For multi-line content, however, this will set the alignment of
 lines relative to the Spannable element bounds. If not defined, defaults to
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.HorizontalAlignmentProp multiline_alignment = 4;

 Alignment of the Spannable content within its bounds. Note that a Spannable
 element will size itself to wrap its contents, so this option is
 meaningless for single-line content (for that, use alignment of the outer
 container). For multi-line content, however, this will set the alignment of
 lines relative to the Spannable element bounds. If not defined, defaults to
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.HorizontalAlignmentProp multiline_alignment = 4;

 Alignment of the Spannable content within its bounds. Note that a Spannable
 element will size itself to wrap its contents, so this option is
 meaningless for single-line content (for that, use alignment of the outer
 container). For multi-line content, however, this will set the alignment of
 lines relative to the Spannable element bounds. If not defined, defaults to
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.HorizontalAlignmentProp multiline_alignment = 4;

public LayoutElementProto.Spannable.Builder clearMultilineAlignment()

 Alignment of the Spannable content within its bounds. Note that a Spannable
 element will size itself to wrap its contents, so this option is
 meaningless for single-line content (for that, use alignment of the outer
 container). For multi-line content, however, this will set the alignment of
 lines relative to the Spannable element bounds. If not defined, defaults to
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.HorizontalAlignmentProp multiline_alignment = 4;

public boolean hasOverflow()

 How to handle content which overflows the bound of the Spannable element.
 A Spannable element will grow as large as possible inside its parent
 container (while still respecting max_lines); if it cannot grow large
 enough to render all of its content, the content which cannot fit inside
 its container will  be truncated. If not defined, defaults to
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.TextOverflowProp overflow = 5;

 How to handle content which overflows the bound of the Spannable element.
 A Spannable element will grow as large as possible inside its parent
 container (while still respecting max_lines); if it cannot grow large
 enough to render all of its content, the content which cannot fit inside
 its container will  be truncated. If not defined, defaults to
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.TextOverflowProp overflow = 5;

 How to handle content which overflows the bound of the Spannable element.
 A Spannable element will grow as large as possible inside its parent
 container (while still respecting max_lines); if it cannot grow large
 enough to render all of its content, the content which cannot fit inside
 its container will  be truncated. If not defined, defaults to
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.TextOverflowProp overflow = 5;

 How to handle content which overflows the bound of the Spannable element.
 A Spannable element will grow as large as possible inside its parent
 container (while still respecting max_lines); if it cannot grow large
 enough to render all of its content, the content which cannot fit inside
 its container will  be truncated. If not defined, defaults to
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.TextOverflowProp overflow = 5;

 How to handle content which overflows the bound of the Spannable element.
 A Spannable element will grow as large as possible inside its parent
 container (while still respecting max_lines); if it cannot grow large
 enough to render all of its content, the content which cannot fit inside
 its container will  be truncated. If not defined, defaults to
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.TextOverflowProp overflow = 5;

 How to handle content which overflows the bound of the Spannable element.
 A Spannable element will grow as large as possible inside its parent
 container (while still respecting max_lines); if it cannot grow large
 enough to render all of its content, the content which cannot fit inside
 its container will  be truncated. If not defined, defaults to
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.TextOverflowProp overflow = 5;

public boolean hasMarqueeParameters()

 Parameters for Marquee animation. Only applies when overflow is
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.MarqueeParameters marquee_parameters = 8;

public LayoutElementProto.MarqueeParameters getMarqueeParameters()

 Parameters for Marquee animation. Only applies when overflow is
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.MarqueeParameters marquee_parameters = 8;

 Parameters for Marquee animation. Only applies when overflow is
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.MarqueeParameters marquee_parameters = 8;

 Parameters for Marquee animation. Only applies when overflow is
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.MarqueeParameters marquee_parameters = 8;

 Parameters for Marquee animation. Only applies when overflow is
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.MarqueeParameters marquee_parameters = 8;

public LayoutElementProto.Spannable.Builder clearMarqueeParameters()

 Parameters for Marquee animation. Only applies when overflow is
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.MarqueeParameters marquee_parameters = 8;

public boolean hasLineSpacing()

 Extra spacing to add between each line. This will apply to all
 spans regardless of their font size. This is in addition to original
 line heights. Note that this won't add any additional space before the
 first line or after the last line. The default value is zero and negative
 values will decrease the interline spacing.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.SpProp line_spacing = 6;

public DimensionProto.SpProp getLineSpacing()

 Extra spacing to add between each line. This will apply to all
 spans regardless of their font size. This is in addition to original
 line heights. Note that this won't add any additional space before the
 first line or after the last line. The default value is zero and negative
 values will decrease the interline spacing.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.SpProp line_spacing = 6;

 Extra spacing to add between each line. This will apply to all
 spans regardless of their font size. This is in addition to original
 line heights. Note that this won't add any additional space before the
 first line or after the last line. The default value is zero and negative
 values will decrease the interline spacing.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.SpProp line_spacing = 6;

 Extra spacing to add between each line. This will apply to all
 spans regardless of their font size. This is in addition to original
 line heights. Note that this won't add any additional space before the
 first line or after the last line. The default value is zero and negative
 values will decrease the interline spacing.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.SpProp line_spacing = 6;

 Extra spacing to add between each line. This will apply to all
 spans regardless of their font size. This is in addition to original
 line heights. Note that this won't add any additional space before the
 first line or after the last line. The default value is zero and negative
 values will decrease the interline spacing.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.SpProp line_spacing = 6;

public LayoutElementProto.Spannable.Builder clearLineSpacing()

 Extra spacing to add between each line. This will apply to all
 spans regardless of their font size. This is in addition to original
 line heights. Note that this won't add any additional space before the
 first line or after the last line. The default value is zero and negative
 values will decrease the interline spacing.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.SpProp line_spacing = 6;

public boolean hasLineHeight()

 The explicit height between lines of text. This is equivalent to the
 vertical distance between subsequent baselines. If not specified, defaults
 the font's recommended interline spacing.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.SpProp line_height = 7;

public DimensionProto.SpProp getLineHeight()

 The explicit height between lines of text. This is equivalent to the
 vertical distance between subsequent baselines. If not specified, defaults
 the font's recommended interline spacing.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.SpProp line_height = 7;

 The explicit height between lines of text. This is equivalent to the
 vertical distance between subsequent baselines. If not specified, defaults
 the font's recommended interline spacing.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.SpProp line_height = 7;

 The explicit height between lines of text. This is equivalent to the
 vertical distance between subsequent baselines. If not specified, defaults
 the font's recommended interline spacing.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.SpProp line_height = 7;

 The explicit height between lines of text. This is equivalent to the
 vertical distance between subsequent baselines. If not specified, defaults
 the font's recommended interline spacing.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.SpProp line_height = 7;

public LayoutElementProto.Spannable.Builder clearLineHeight()

 The explicit height between lines of text. This is equivalent to the
 vertical distance between subsequent baselines. If not specified, defaults
 the font's recommended interline spacing.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.SpProp line_height = 7;