public final class


extends <any>

implements LayoutElementProto.MarqueeParametersOrBuilder





 Parameters for Marquee animation. Only applies for TEXT_OVERFLOW_MARQUEE.
Protobuf type androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.MarqueeParameters


public LayoutElementProto.MarqueeParameters.BuilderclearIterations()

 The number of times to repeat the Marquee animation.

public LayoutElementProto.MarqueeParameters.BuilderclearOptionalIterations()

public intgetIterations()

 The number of times to repeat the Marquee animation.

public LayoutElementProto.MarqueeParameters.OptionalIterationsCasegetOptionalIterationsCase()

public booleanhasIterations()

 The number of times to repeat the Marquee animation.

public LayoutElementProto.MarqueeParameters.BuildersetIterations(int value)

 The number of times to repeat the Marquee animation.

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public LayoutElementProto.MarqueeParameters.Builder clearOptionalIterations()

public boolean hasIterations()

 The number of times to repeat the Marquee animation. Set to -1 to repeat
 indefinitely. Defaults to repeat indefinitely.
int32 iterations = 1;


Whether the iterations field is set.

public int getIterations()

 The number of times to repeat the Marquee animation. Set to -1 to repeat
 indefinitely. Defaults to repeat indefinitely.
int32 iterations = 1;


The iterations.

public LayoutElementProto.MarqueeParameters.Builder setIterations(int value)

 The number of times to repeat the Marquee animation. Set to -1 to repeat
 indefinitely. Defaults to repeat indefinitely.
int32 iterations = 1;


value: The iterations to set.


This builder for chaining.

 The number of times to repeat the Marquee animation. Set to -1 to repeat
 indefinitely. Defaults to repeat indefinitely.
int32 iterations = 1;


This builder for chaining.