public final class


extends <any>

implements ModifiersProto.FadeOutTransitionOrBuilder





 The fading animation for content transition of an element and its children,
 from fully visible to the specified target alpha.
Protobuf type androidx.wear.protolayout.proto.FadeOutTransition


public ModifiersProto.FadeOutTransition.BuilderclearAnimationSpec()

 The animation parameters for duration, delay, etc.

public ModifiersProto.FadeOutTransition.BuilderclearTargetAlpha()

 The target alpha of the fade out transition.

public AnimationParameterProto.AnimationSpecgetAnimationSpec()

 The animation parameters for duration, delay, etc.

public floatgetTargetAlpha()

 The target alpha of the fade out transition.

public booleanhasAnimationSpec()

 The animation parameters for duration, delay, etc.

public ModifiersProto.FadeOutTransition.BuildermergeAnimationSpec(AnimationParameterProto.AnimationSpec value)

 The animation parameters for duration, delay, etc.

public ModifiersProto.FadeOutTransition.BuildersetAnimationSpec(AnimationParameterProto.AnimationSpec.Builder builderForValue)

 The animation parameters for duration, delay, etc.

public ModifiersProto.FadeOutTransition.BuildersetAnimationSpec(AnimationParameterProto.AnimationSpec value)

 The animation parameters for duration, delay, etc.

public ModifiersProto.FadeOutTransition.BuildersetTargetAlpha(float value)

 The target alpha of the fade out transition.

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public float getTargetAlpha()

 The target alpha of the fade out transition. It should be between 0 and 1.
 If not set, defaults to fully invisible, i.e. 0.
float target_alpha = 1;


The targetAlpha.

public ModifiersProto.FadeOutTransition.Builder setTargetAlpha(float value)

 The target alpha of the fade out transition. It should be between 0 and 1.
 If not set, defaults to fully invisible, i.e. 0.
float target_alpha = 1;


value: The targetAlpha to set.


This builder for chaining.

 The target alpha of the fade out transition. It should be between 0 and 1.
 If not set, defaults to fully invisible, i.e. 0.
float target_alpha = 1;


This builder for chaining.

public boolean hasAnimationSpec()

 The animation parameters for duration, delay, etc.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.expression.proto.AnimationSpec animation_spec = 2;

public AnimationParameterProto.AnimationSpec getAnimationSpec()

 The animation parameters for duration, delay, etc.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.expression.proto.AnimationSpec animation_spec = 2;

 The animation parameters for duration, delay, etc.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.expression.proto.AnimationSpec animation_spec = 2;

 The animation parameters for duration, delay, etc.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.expression.proto.AnimationSpec animation_spec = 2;

 The animation parameters for duration, delay, etc.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.expression.proto.AnimationSpec animation_spec = 2;

public ModifiersProto.FadeOutTransition.Builder clearAnimationSpec()

 The animation parameters for duration, delay, etc.
.androidx.wear.protolayout.expression.proto.AnimationSpec animation_spec = 2;